Upcoming Events

Lecture: Alexander Nagel "Radiant Beasts: An Archaeology of Feathers, Wings, and the Senses in Achaemenid Persia" at the Center for Middle Eastern Studies, University of Berkeley, California.

21st February, 2025 at 12 pm

The lecture introduces ongoing research on the polychromy of feather crowns and wings on the great stone monuments at Pasargadae, Persepolis, and Susa. Focusing on the monumental beasts depicted on the Gate of all Lands and other structures on the site of Persepolis, my talk asks: what methods help us understand the intentions and processes behind painted decorations in Achaemenid Persia? We will discuss a second aspect of ongoing research during the graduate seminar. Combining approaches from multiple disciplines encourages current work on Achaemenid Persian monuments and organic materials from the site. How far have we come?

For more information see:

Alexander Nagel | Radiant Beasts: An Archaeology of Feathers, Wings, and the Senses in Achaemenid Persia / Events at UC Berkeley

Conference: "Colour concept: “Secoli bui” a colori. Codici cromatici e architetture dipinte nell’età tardoantica e medievale" at the University of Florence, Italy.

9th - 11th April, 2025

Organisers: Elisabetta Neri, Laura Buccino, Paolo Liverani, Fulvio Cervini

The aim of the conference on the first day is to explore various media of Late Antique figurative culture in terms of colour to grasp the interaction between the various media and the possible development of a colour culture specific to the period under consideration, in which literary sources emphasise the emergence of the association between colour and abstract concept.

On the second day, the issues of painted architecture and building sculpture are addressed, considering the evolution of colour space and its perception through the study of a series of restoration and study sites that reveal and interpret it.

The two-day conference is preceded by an update and working session of the members of the Colour Concept research programme.

More information hereTo participate (in person or online), please contact agnese.latorrata@unifi.it

"“By the Vehemence of Fire*”: Exploring Material Culture through Colour” under the umbrella theme ‘On Artefacts and Beyond’" - 31st EAA Annual Meeting Belgrade, Serbia. Session #151.

3rd –6th September, 2025

Ariadne Kostomitsopoulou Marketou
Maria Kaparou
Nelly Kladouri

The session aims to explore the role of pyrotechnology in shaping culture, focusing on the interplay between colour and material culture in pyrotechnological products.

Contributions are welcomed that discuss pyrotechnological materials, including pigments/colourants that are treated through pyrotechnological processes, metals, glass, and ceramics. Our aim is to discuss not only technical achievements of past societies, but also aspects of the symbolic meanings and social contexts tied to colour use, production, and manipulation, across different media. Our geographic focus includes the Mediterranean, Europe, and the Near East, taking a transhistorical approach up to the Late Medieval period. Additionally, we would consider contributions that discuss methodological or theoretical aspects of the interplay between pyrotechnology and colour creation/transformation.

There is particular interest in inter- and cross-disciplinary contributions that touch on:

  • How operational sequences (chaîne opératoires) and technological choices influenced colour production.

  • Archaeometric studies of the physicochemical processes behind creating and manipulating colour.

  • The cultural, ritual, and social significance of colour in ancient societies.

The deadline for abstracts is now CLOSED.

ASMOSIA XIV International Conference

15th - 20th September , 2025

Ljubljana, Slovenia

The conference will deal with the traditional research fields promoted by ASMOSIA with the aim of creating a basis for an interdisciplinary discussion, which should include contributions from different scientific and archaeological approaches. There will be a session dedicated to “Pigments and Paintings on Marble”.

The deadline for the submission of abstracts is 15th January 2025.

For more information and the CfP, see: https://asmosia14.si/

Past events

Study day: "Red – Colours and Religions" at the Catholic Institute of Paris

18th January, 2025 from 9.00 am to 5.30 pm

This studyday is organized in collaboration with Mathilde Buratti (VEPMO team researcher) and François Debrabant (director of the Lussac-les-Châteaux museum) as part of the ArScAn collective program: Red diachronic study. Crossed perspectives from prehistoric art to contemporary art.

For more information see:


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